Edit Vehicle & Station checklists

Add, edit, delete, copy, and move items in your vehicle and station checklists.


We at PSTrax will build your Vehicle & Station checklists based on the information you provide to our Build Team. After the checklists are built, Vehicle / Station Admin have the ability to modify them as needed when things change. Our team is also available to make updates to your checklists at your request. Here's how to make changes:

How Vehicle & Station checklists are organized

Each vehicle and station checklist is grouped into four levels: Vehicle / Station, Checklist, Task Group, and Task. The checklists are organized this way to allow for bulk actions (editing, copying, moving, etc.), instead of having to adjust each item individually.

  • Vehicle / Station: The vehicle or station with inspections tied to it.
  • Checklist: The broadest category of organization and are typically used to group together items that repeat on the same schedule (e.g. Daily Checks, Weekly Checks, Monthly Inventory, etc.). Each Vehicle / Station will contain one or more Checklists.
  • Task Group: A set of tasks that share a common location or check type (e.g. Cab, Compartment 1, Fluid Checks, etc.). Each Checklist will contain one or more Task Groups. 
  • Task: The actual equipment or activity that gets logged during an inspection. Each Task Group level will contain one or more Tasks.

Understanding the actions menus

Each section (Vehicle / Station, Checklists, Task Groups, and Tasks) has a dropdown menu with different actions that can be applied.

These allow for changes to be made in bulk for each section. Some common use cases are:

  • Copying an entire Checklist from one vehicle to another. "I want the Daily Checks on Engine 1 copied to all other engines in my fleet."
  • Updating the intervals and/or due dates of all items within a Checklist or Task Group. "Change the Inventory Check from weekly to monthly, starting on the 1st of next month."
  • Changing the order of Task Groups and/or Tasks to reflect the most efficient way of checking that vehicle or station. "Reorder the checks so I'm starting at the front of the truck and working my way around it."

Vehicle / Station actions

To access, click the dropdown arrow next to the Back button.

  • Add a Checklist: Add a new Checklist to the Vehicle or Station. New Checklists will automatically show at the bottom of the screen, but can be rearranged to your preferred order.
  • Manage Vehicle / Station: Open the Manage Vehicle / Station modal to take a unit out-of-service, move a vehicle, add notes, and more. Learn more about managing Vehicles & Stations
  • Copy Checklists: Copy multiple checklists from this Vehicle or Station to another unit or units. For instance, you can copy Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Checks from one engine to all other engines in your fleet. 
  • Enable/Disable Check-All: Turn on or off the ability to log all Tasks within the selected Task Groups and Checklists for this Vehicle or Station. This allows you to apply the change to all the Checklist and Task Groups you select, rather than having to adjust them one at a time. Learn more about check-all.
  • Vehicle & Station List: Navigate to a list of all Vehicle & Station checks in the station you're signed into. This list allows you to view all units in one place and take additional actions, such as retiring or deleting.

Checklist actions

To access, click the dropdown arrow in the Checklist ribbon.

  • Add a Task Group: Add a new Task Group to the Checklist. New Task Groups will automatically show at the bottom of the Checklist, but can be rearranged to your preferred order.
  • Edit: Edit the name, scheduling note, instructions, or status settings for the Checklist.
  • Deactivate / Activate: Shut off (deactivate) or turn on (activate) the scheduled checks for all Task Groups and Tasks within the Checklist. You may want to deactivate the checks if you don't want them showing due in your schedule, like when a vehicle goes out of service. When ready, you can activate the checks for the preferred due date. Learn more about activating and deactivating checks.
  • Change Task Interval: Update the scheduled interval for all Task Groups and Tasks within the Checklist. You'd want to do this if the frequency of an inspection changes, like if your monthly checks become quarterly checks. Learn more about schedule intervals.
  • Add / Remove Attachments: Add images, files, or short videos to the Checklist (department policy / SOP, user guide, photo, etc.) that users can refer to when logging checks. See some uses cases and review our attachment guidelines.
  • Copy Checklist: Copy the contents of the entire Checklist into one or more Vehicles or Stations. 
  • Copy Task Groups: Copy the selected Task Groups from a Checklist into a Vehicle or Station. You would use this if you want to copy some, but not all, Task Groups - rather than copying the entire Checklist or copying each Task Group one at a time.
  • Move: Transfer the Checklist into another Vehicle or Station. 
  • Reorder Checklists: Change the order that the Checklists display for users logging the checks. Generally the checklists are organized by frequency (Daily Checks then Weekly Checks then Monthly Checks, for example), but that can be modified using this option.
  • Unlink / Link to As-Needed Checklist: By default, all Vehicle & Station checklist are available for both scheduled and as-needed checks. This option allows you to hide the Checklist from the as-needed menu.
  • Enable / Disable Check-All: Turn on or off the ability to log all Tasks within the selected Task Groups in the Checklist. This allows you to apply the change to all the Task Groups you select, rather than having to adjust each Task Group one at a time. Learn more about check-all
  • Set Alert Category: Customize the default alert category that displays when a user posts an issue in the selected Task Group(s). This way users don't have to pick the category when setting an alert.
  • Manage Checklists: View all of the Checklists on a single page, without having to scroll through all of the Task Groups and Tasks. This is handy if you want to rename, edit, reorder, or delete Checklists more quickly. 
  • Delete: Remove the selected Checklist from the Vehicle / Station. Note that deleting the Checklist will not erase any previously recorded activity, which can still be viewed in the Logs & Reports section.

Task Group actions

To access, click the dropdown arrow in the Task Group ribbon.

  • Add a Task: Add a new Task to the Task Group. New Tasks will automatically show at the bottom of the Task Group, but can be rearranged to your preferred order.
  • Edit: Edit the name, instructions, alert category, or check-all settings for the Task Group.
  • Deactivate / Activate: Shut off (deactivate) or turn on (activate) the scheduled checks for all Tasks within the selected Task Group. You may want to deactivate the checks if you don't want them showing due in your schedule, like when a vehicle goes out of service. When ready, you can activate the checks for the preferred due date. Learn more about activating and deactivating checks.
  • Change Task Interval: Update the scheduled interval for the selected Task Group and Tasks. You'd want to do this if the frequency of an inspection changes, like if your monthly checks become quarterly checks. Learn more about schedule intervals.
  • Add/Remove Attachments: Add images, files, or short videos to the Task Group (department policy / SOP, user guide, photo, etc.) that users can refer to when logging checks. See some uses cases and review our attachment guidelines.
  • Copy: Copy the selected Task Group and its Tasks into a Checklist.
  • Move: Transfer the selected Task Group and its Tasks into another Checklist.
  • Reorder Task Groups: Change the order that the Task Groups display for within the Checklist. It's recommended that the Task Groups follow the most efficient way of checking the unit (e.g. Start at the front of the truck and work your way around it).
  • Manage Task Groups: View all of the Task Groups within a Checklist on a single page, without having to scroll through all of the other Checklists and Tasks. This is handy if you want to rename, edit, reorder, or delete Task Groups more quickly. 
  • Delete: Remove the selected Task Group from the Checklist. Note that deleting the Checklist will not erase any previously recorded activity, which can still be viewed in the Logs & Reports section.

Task actions

To access, click the dropdown arrow next to the Task.

  • Edit: Edit the name, instructions, and other details associated with the Task. 
  • Enable / Disable: Shut off (disable) or turn on (enable) the selected Task. You may want to disable a task if the item is temporarily missing or it doesn't need to be completed at the moment. Disabled tasks hide from the checks, so users don't see them. If there's a task that will never be associated with the vehicle - like a piece of equipment that the vehicle doesn't have - it's better to delete the task instead.
  • Delete: Remove the selected Task. Note that deleting the Task will not erase any previously recorded activity, which can still be viewed in the Logs & Reports section.
  • Copy: Copy the selected Task into a Task Group.
  • Move: Transfer the selected Task into another Task Group.
  • Reorder Tasks: Change the order that the Tasks display for within the Task Group.
  • Manage Tasks: View all of the Task within a Task Group on a single page, without having to scroll through all of the other Checklists and Task Groups. This is handy if you want to rename, edit, reorder, or delete Tasks from long lists more quickly.