Vehicle/Station Status Report email

Get a daily email summary showing which checks are still due for each station.

In this article

What is the Vehicle/Station Status Report?

The Vehicle/Station Status Report is an email that provides an overview of each station's activities, so personnel can see what did and did not get done. More specifically, the report displays:

  • The number of tasks that are still due for each apparatus. 
  • Any alerts that have been opened, updated, or closed.
  • Any posts added to the Journal.

In essence, it's a way for selected personnel to view the station home screen without having to log into PSTrax. The email can be sent daily or weekly, depending on your department's preference. 

Vehicle Status Report

How can I add recipients to the report?

Admin with Manage Personnel permissions can add recipients to the email report in two ways:

  1. To set up users one at a time, go to Settings > Personnel > User List > Edit and select the station(s) that you want the user to receive in the email. If multiple stations are selected, the user will only receive one email with each station listed out. 
  2. To set up multiple users, go to Settings > Personnel > Email Report List and select the appropriate user(s) and station(s). Again, if multiple stations are selected, the user will only receive one email with each station listed out. 

How can I change the time the email sends?

The time and frequency that the email sends can only be changed by us at PSTrax. Please send an email to if you'd like that adjusted. Since these reports take quite a bit of bandwidth to run - and since we don't want to slow down the site during peak traffic hours (morning time) - here are the time slots that we have available to run the report: 11am, 12pm, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, 8pm, 10pm, and midnight.