We're in the midst of upgrading our codebase to a more modern framework, which will allow us to build out new features and enhancements more quickly. This update touches a lot of functionality behind the scenes - almost every page in the entire site - so please contact us if something isn't working correctly and we'll get it resolved right away.
Agencies that use identity providers - such as Active Directory, Microsoft Azure, etc. - can use those credentials to log into PSTrax. This allows users to maintain one password across multiple platforms. Contact us for pricing & setup information.
Checklists can now be copied to multiple units simultaneously. Click here for a video tutorial on how this works.
A "Hide All" button has been added to the as-needed checks, making it quicker to expand/contract long checklists.
Various bug fixes, performance improvements, and security enhancements.
A field for "Next Due" has been added to the PPE / SCBA / Assets gear lists to make it easier to see upcoming inspections (or if inspections aren't scheduled that should be). Click the column header once to sort oldest to newest.
Various bug fixes, performance improvements, and security enhancements.
The screen area has been enhanced to display more information on a phone - particularly when viewed in landscape mode.
Various bug fixes, performance improvements, and security enhancements.
For agencies using tags on their drug boxes, the message prompting a tag discrepancy can be removed for specific events. For instance, the tag warning message can display on a shift change if the user inputs a tag that doesn't match which tag was there previously, but not display on a monthly audit when the tag is supposed to be removed. To turn on this feature, please contact us.
When restocking controlled substances from a vendor, hospital, or pharmacy, the expiration date is no longer pre-filled with today's date. Some agencies were mislabeling their vials with incorrect expiration dates.
Each agency has the option to allow Medic Admin to edit and delete vials from the Vial List. By default, this permission is set to Full Admin only, but it can now be adjusted to allow supervisors to change vial information if needed. Changes are always documented, regardless of if done by a Full Admin or Medic Admin. To turn on this feature, please contact us.
Various bug fixes, performance improvements, and security enhancements.