System Updates - June 2020

In this article


  • Created monthly status report emails for PPE, SCBA, and Assets modules. The email shows which checks are still due, number of alerts that are open on any equipment, and items that are expired or set to expire. The email sends off by default to any Admin on each module (PPE Admin, SCBA Admin, and Assets Admin) on the 15th of each month. You can add or remove recipients by going to Settings > Personnel > User List > Edit User and setting the Status Email field (you must have Manage Personnel permissions to do this). 
  • Built functionality to search by Alert ID number in all Alert Archives (Vehicle & Station, PPE, SCBA, Assets, Controlled Substances). This makes it quicker to find the exact alert you're looking for. 
  • Updated integration with Emergency Reporting. All API requests now utilize an updated authorization method for increased security and performance. We also added a feature where any tasks set as "ER Complete" in PSTrax will now post to the Daily Log in ER when completed. If you have questions about the integration, please contact
  • Various bug fixes and performance improvements.

Vehicle & Station

  • Added link to "Dept. Status Report (Table)" in the navigation panel. This page allows you to see the status of every vehicle in the fleet on one page - and to search / filter through them to find what you're looking for. 
  • Created a separate column for "Reserve" on the Dept. Status Report (Table), to allow for improved searching and filtering. 
  • Reorganized Transfer Checklists to be department-wide instead of station-specific. We restructured the pages so that you can pull up a Transfer Checklist to start a new transfer, view open transfers, or view closed transfers - regardless of which station you're signed into. If you now have duplicate Transfer Checklists because of this (if you created an identical checklist at each of your stations), you can delete out the duplicates by going to Settings > Vehicle & Station  > Manage Checklists > Transfer Checklist > Delete (from the dropdown arrow next to the item(s) you want to remove. Or you can email us at and we'll take care of it for you. 
  • Built a "Full Task List Export" report, which shows every task on every vehicle across your entire department. This makes it easier to search for a piece of equipment across the entire department. The report can be accessed through Vehicle & Station > Logs & Reports > Full Task List Export
  • Built functionality to search by Alert ID number on Vehicle & Station Open Alerts and Alert Archive pages (see details in "General" section above). 


  • Added more options to the SCBA alerts. This will make it easier for SCBA Admin to log actions directly from the alerts page, instead of having to go into the SCBA Gear List.
  • Added pagination to the SCBA Gear List to make search queries faster. 
  • Added RIT Packs to the Flow Test event, so the "Next Flow Test Date" on the SCBA Gear List will update when a Flow Test is logged. 
  • Added "Cost" column to SCBA logs. 
  • Limited the ability for users to create general SCBA alerts (alerts that are not tied to a specific piece of gear). Now only SCBA Admin can create general alerts that display for everyone. 
  • Built functionality to search by Alert ID number on SCBA Alert Archive (see "General" section above). 
  • Created monthly SCBA status email that shows details on inspections, alerts, expirations, and more (see "General" section above).  


  • Added pagination to the PPE Gear List to make search queries faster. 
  • Adjusted search options to horizontal layout on PPE Gear List. This allows for more information to be viewed on the page - especially from desktop computers and tablets.
  • Added "Cost" column to PPE logs. 
  • Limited the ability for users to create general PPE alerts (alerts that are not tied to a specific piece of gear). Now only PPE Admin can create general alerts that display for everyone. 
  • Built functionality to search by Alert ID number on PPE Alert Archive (see "General" section above). 
  • Created monthly PPE status email that shows details on inspections, alerts, expirations, and more (see "General" section above).  


  • Built out a new Asset on-truck check option with linked assignments and scheduling, present / not present verification, and automatic alerts. View the differences here: Asset On-Truck Check Options. If you'd like to switch over to the new setup, please send an email to
  • Updated assets checks and alerts counts on Home page. The "# Asset items due" and "# Asset alerts" counts are filtered by assignment (station, apparatus, user, or unassigned) and event type (admin vs. non-admin inspections). This makes it so that depending on which station you are logged into, you'll only see the checks and alerts that are due on assets in that location - not across the entire department.
  • Added pagination to the Assets List to make search queries faster. 
  • Added ability to search by assignment (station, apparatus, user, or unassigned) on the Assets List. 
  • Expanded event search options on Assets logs (Assets > Logs & Reports > Logs). 
  • Added "Cost" column to Assets logs. 
  • Added Unit # to vehicle-assigned assets on the Assets List.
  • Added ability to search by assignment on Assets List.
  • Limited the ability for users to create general Assets alerts (alerts that are not tied to a specific piece of gear). Now only Assets Admin can create general alerts that display for everyone. 
  • Built functionality to search by Alert ID number on Assets Alert Archive (see "General" section above). 
  • Created monthly Assets status email that shows details on inspections, alerts, expirations, and more (see "General" section above).  


  • Built functionality to search by Alert ID number on CS Alert Archive (see "General" section above).