Set Vehicle & Station alerts

Notify the appropriate personnel whenever there's an issue, malfunction, or discrepancy with your vehicle or station equipment.

In this article:


Setting vehicle / station alerts during a scheduled check

You can set alerts and notify the appropriate personnel when issues are identified during the vehicle inspection.

  1. Click the alert icon and add notes about the issue. Click Log All Checked Items > Log Tasks.
    NOTE: Tasks with a red bell icon next to them already have an open alert.
  2. On the alert form, select the appropriate category for the issue you’re posting. The category will determine which alert recipients are notified.
    NOTE: Alert recipients and categories are set up by the system admin.
  3. Add more details, set a priority level, and attach photos / other files as needed.
  4. Click Set Alert to post the alert to the home page and send an email / text notification to the recipients.

Setting vehicle / station alerts during an as-needed check

If you find an issue after the scheduled checks have been logged (and therefore aren't showing up as due), you can set the alert through the As-Needed checks.

  1. In the Schedule, find the unit and click "As-Needed" under the # Vehicle checks due link.
  2. Select the checklist with the task to be alerted.
  3. Find the task, click the alert icon, and add notes about the issue. Click Log All Checked Items > Log Tasks.
    NOTE: Tasks with a red bell icon next to them already have an open alert.
  4. On the alert form, select the appropriate category for the issue you’re posting. The category will determine which alert recipients are notified.
    NOTE: Alert recipients and categories are set up by the system admin.
  5. Add more details, set a priority level, and attach photos / other files as needed.
  6. Click Set Alert to post the alert to the home page and send an email / text notification to the recipients.

Setting general alerts

General alerts can be linked to a specific unit, but they aren't tied to an individual task in a checklist.

  1. Click the Set Alert button on the V/S ALERTS section on the home page, or navigate to Vehicle & Station > Alerts > Set an Alert
  2. Input the details of the alert, including the vehicle, category, description, priority, attachments, and more.
  3. Click Set Alert.