Manage SCBA alert settings

Select who can set general alerts and add custom fields to alerts.

The following settings can currently only be modified by the PSTrax team. To change, please contact us.

General alerts

General alerts can be set to notify crews of issues or announcements related to SCBA (e.g. "Schedule your fit testing with your Captain", "The air compressor at Station 1 is being serviced next week", etc.). They are set by clicking Set an Alert under SCBA > Alerts in the navigation panel, or by clicking the Set Alert button at the top of the Alerts section on the home screen (when SCBA alerts are selected).

General alerts are not tied to a specific piece of gear and can be seen by everyone. For that reason, only SCBA Admin can set general alerts by default. However, that can be modified if you'd like all SCBA Users to be able to set them.

Add custom fields to SCBA alerts

Up to three custom fields can be added to the SCBA alerts, in addition to the default information (Priority, Description, and Cost). This is also useful for separating out parts and labor costs, reinforcing a policy ("I certify that I have notified my station Captain about this issue"), or gathering additional information for reporting or operational needs.