Create purchase orders in Procurement

Generate purchase orders for items you need to restock.


Create purchase orders based on the items you need to restock. Add items to your cart, adjust quantities, select vendors, and generate purchase orders for multiple vendors simultaneously.


  1. Navigate to Procurement > Add Supplies to Cart

  2. Select the container your want to restock via the Container dropdown. Generally this is a central supply location or supply closet. 
  3. Select the items you want to reorder. You can add any items you want to order, regardless of the current QOH, but here are a few tips / notes:

    • Click the Select Below Par button to highlight items that are below minimum.
    • Use the search, sort, and filter options to quickly identify items to add to the cart. For instance, you can sort by the MIN Diff column to see any items that are below minimum. Or you can filter Earliest Exp Date to identify products that are expiring soon. 
    • Note that only items linked to a Procurement product can be selected to add to the cart.
  4. Click Add to Cart to proceed to the Shopping Cart page.
  5. Input or select the Shipping Contact and Shipping Address information for where you want the order to be sent to.
  6. Review the products in your cart and adjust the Order Quantity, Vendor, and Product Package Unit as needed by clicking the edit icon or by double-clicking into the cell.
    • The cart will automatically fill the Order Quantity to return items to their maximum level.
    • The Order Quantity will also calculate differences in package units. For instance, if you need 7 boxes of nitrile gloves, but order in cases of 10 boxes, the quantity will be filled automatically as 1 case. 
    • If you're using the Life-Assist integration, a small dot will appear next to the product name, indicating it's status (in stock, out of stock, etc.).
  7. Click the Create Purchase Order button to generate a P.O. 
    • A purchase order will be generated for each vendor simultaneously. So if you're ordering products from two different vendors, the system will create two separate purchase orders automatically.
    • If needed, add your internal purchase order number by double clicking into the Customer PO# cell.
    • If you're using the Life-Assist integration, the order will be submitted automatically to Life-Assist.
  8. Review and send the purchase order to your vendor or procurement team.