Manage vehicles when they move or change status

Log when vehicles go out-of-service, get moved, and more.

Managing vehicles (change status, move, activate/deactivate checklists)

  1. Log in to the station where the vehicle is located.
  2. Click Actions > Manage Vehicle and perform the following actions (you can batch specific actions together at one time by clicking the desired checkboxes):
    1. Select the checkbox next to REMOVE FROM SERVICE / RETURN TO SERVICE if you wish to take the unit in or out of service. 
    2. Select the checkbox next to RESERVE STATUS to flag the unit as a reserve vehicle.
    3. Select the checkbox next to ACTIVATE/DEACTIVATE CHECKLISTS to adjust the scheduled checks (turn on, turn off, or reset the due date).
    4. Select the checkbox next to MOVE to move the vehicle to another station.
    5. Select the checkbox next to NOTE to add a vehicle note - or to archive or edit an existing vehicle note.
  3. Click the Save Changes button.

NOTE: The ability to put vehicles in and out of service and to activate and deactivate the schedules can only be done by personnel with Manage Vehicles / Stations set to "Yes" in the user settings. If you'd like these users to put vehicle in and out of service BUT NOT activate/deactivate the schedules, contact us and we'll change that in your department settings.

Vehicle status vs. schedule status

In PSTrax, vehicle statuses are broken into two categories: 1) the physical status of the unit and 2) the status of the schedules associated with the vehicle. 

Tracking the status of each vehicle in PSTrax allows your crews to know which apparatus are operational and which ones are out of service. Each time you change the status of a unit from in service to out of service, it's flagged in PSTrax so that you can tell how frequently and for how long your vehicles are inoperable. There are three vehicle statuses that can be tracked: 

  • In Service: The unit is in service and operational.
  • Out Of Service (OOS): The unit is out of service for repair at the maintenance shop, manufacturer, etc. 
  • Reserve: The unit is in reserve / back-up status. 

There are two statuses for the scheduled checks associated with the vehicles:

  • Active: The checks are turned on and will continue to show up when they're due.
  • Inactive: The checks are shut off - no inspections will show up until they are reactivated.

The physical status of the vehicle and the status of the scheduled checks operate independently of one another. For instance, you can have a vehicle that is  Out of Service while keeping the scheduled checks Active - so that the crews can complete the inspections they missed when the rig comes back in service.