Logging supply checks in batches

When counting a large quantity of supplies, there are benefits to logging in batches.

Taking an Inventory Count of your supplies - particularly in you supply closets - can take a long time, depending on how many items you're logging and whether you are tracking expiration dates and/or lot numbers. For security purposes, PSTrax has an automatic time-out limit set to two hours of inactivity. This means that if you start an Inventory Count and don't submit it within two hours, you may receive a "Failed to submit form" when attempting to log the transaction. 

If you anticipate needing more than two hours to log a check - or if you work at a busy station where you get called out frequently - our recommendation is to log your checks in batches using the as-needed form (instructions in the video below).

Please note that our Engineering Team is working on a way to automatically save your progress, so this is a temporary workaround until that functionality is built out.