PSTrax / Life-Assist integration

The integration between PSTrax and Life-Assist provides real-time pricing, availability, and product details within the Procurement module.


PSTrax has worked with Life-Assist, a company that supplies emergency medical equipment and supplies to first responders and healthcare providers, to develop an integration between Life-Assist's supply catalog and PSTrax's Procurement module. This allows our shared customers to:

  • Automatically pull data for their contracted products into the Procurement module in PSTrax.

  • Get real-time pricing and availability information for products they order from Life-Assist.

  • Submit orders directly to Life-Assist from within PSTrax.

  • Receive automatic order updates from Life-Assist, viewable from within PSTrax. 


The integration with Life-Assist’s product catalog is offered at no additional cost to PSTrax customers using the Supplies/Procurement modules.

How It Works

Once configured, any products that you have contracted to order through Life-Assist will appear in PSTrax’s Product List - including the product name, description, price, manufacturer, and more. Pricing information is updated in real-time; any other changes related to your contracted products (additions, subtractions, edits) are updated at midnight each night. 

If you're a Life-Assist customer, please contact us to set up this integration.