Assets Status Report email

Get an email summary showing which assets inspections are coming due, alerts on high-dollar equipment, and what items are expiring.

In this article

What is the Assets Status Report email?

The Assets Status Report email provides an summary of important assets information, including:

  • Inspections that are past due.
  • Alerts posted on SCBA gear.
  • Expired and expiring gear.

The email can be sent to specific personnel on a weekly or monthly basis, depending on your department's preference. 

Assets Status Report

How can I add recipients to the report?

Admin with Manage Personnel permissions can add recipients to the email report by going to Settings > Personnel > User List > Edit and setting Assets Status Email to Yes.

Assets Email Yes

This can also be done in bulk for multiple users by navigating to Settings > Personnel > User List > (Select Users) > Batch > Edit

How can I change the time the email sends?

The Assets Status Report email can be sent weekly each Monday, monthly on the 1st, or monthly on the 15th (the default for most agencies). The time that the email sends can only be changed by us at PSTrax. Please send an email to if you'd like this adjusted.