Assets module settings

There are several Assets settings that can be adjusted in your platform to match your agency's preferences.

The following settings can currently only be modified by the PSTrax team. To change, please contact us.

General alerts

General alerts can be set to notify crews of issues or announcements related to Assets (e.g. "Hose testing is next month", "Bring in LifePaks for calibration", etc.). They are set by clicking Set an Alert under Assets > Alerts in the navigation panel, or by clicking the Set Alert button at the top of the Alerts section on the home screen (when Assets alerts are selected).

General alerts are not tied to a specific piece of equipment and can be seen by everyone. For that reason, only Assets Admin can set general alerts by default. However, that can be modified if you'd like all Assets Users to be able to set them.

Add custom fields to Assets alerts

Up to three custom fields can be added to the Assets alerts, in addition to the default information (Priority, Description, and Cost). This is also useful for separating out parts and labor costs, reinforcing a policy ("I certify that I have notified my station Captain about this issue"), or gathering additional information for reporting or operational needs. 

Assets on-truck check options

There are two different options for scheduling inspections for your vehicle-assigned assets:

  1. You can add "positions" for each asset in the vehicle's Apparatus Schedule and have your crews fill out the serial / ID number for the assets that physically present. 
  2. You can have Assets Admin assign and schedule the assets through the Asset List and have your crews verify if the items is present or not present. For items that are not present, admin can receive an alert email and either reassign the asset or track down what happened to it in the department. 

Basically you can have crew members assign the items for you during the inspection based on what is actually there (option 1), or you can have admin assign the items based on what should be there (option 2). See video below for more details:

Assets On-Truck Check Options from PSTrax on Vimeo.