Add, retire, or delete vehicles and stations

Keep things updated in PSTrax to accurately reflect your current equipment.

In this article

NOTE:  Use the chapter markers at the bottom of the video - or click the Chapters icon in the lower right hand corner - to navigate ahead.

Adding a unit

To add a unit, go into the station where the vehicle is located and navigate to Settings > Vehicle & Station > Vehicle & Station List. Click the button in the upper right corner that says Add Vehicle/Station

NOTE: Adding a unit will not automatically add checks to it. To do that, you need to copy checks from another unit or build a checklist manually. Once the tasks are added, scheduled, and activated, you'll see items due on the station home screen. 


Retiring a unit

To retire a unit, go into the station where the vehicle is located and navigate to Settings > Vehicle & Station > Vehicle & Station List. Click the drop down arrow next to the vehicle you want to retire and select Retire Vehicle / Station. The apparatus will be removed from the active list and placed on the retired list. Any previously logged tasks will remain in the logs and the vehicle history will remain. You can view the retired vehicles at any time by going to Settings > Vehicle & Station > Retired Vehicles/Station. You can also "unretire" the apparatus from there if need be. 


Deleting a unit

To delete a unit, go into the station where the vehicle is located and navigate to  Settings Vehicle & Station > Vehicle & Station List. Click the drop down arrow next to the unit you want to delete, select Delete Vehicle / Station. The unit will be deleted from the active and inactive lists. Any previously logged tasks can still be found in the logs and the unit history will remain intact.

NOTE: The delete action is permanent and cannot be reversed